While thinking about writing this monthly blog, the word secure kept being placed on my heart. It is a word that many of us relate to in different ways as we all face moments in life when we feel insecure. Life itself is fragile and we often are faced with challenges which are largely out of our control. However, Jesus provides an answer to this feeling of insecurity. He says in John 16:33 (one of my personal favourite verses) that “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Sometimes in the church there is a pressure for us to appear like we have it all together,
when many of us are fighting battles no one else knows about. This mindset can be significantly harmful, as humans are not designed to live isolated lives. In order for the church to grow spiritually, there needs to be opportunities that create genuine closeness and vulnerability between its members. Being open about our woundedness in a safe place is often the starting point of healing.
Mental health struggles can rob us of a sense of security and safety. Many Christians grapple with mental illness in secret as there can be a stigma around sharing openly about afflictions of the mind. Rather than shame those who have these issues, the church needs to be a place of acceptance and healing for those suffering from any form of illness –physical and mental.
There have been times when I have been frustrated with God because my prayers for peace and security went unanswered. I have battled with anxiety for many years and there were times when Philippians 4:6, which states “do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (NIV), seemed unattainable to me. I could not understand how it was possible to not worry about anything when struggling with a disorder which caused my body to feel uncontrollable anxiety at any moment.
As my relationship with Jesus has grown over the years, my perspective during times of fear has also changed. Rather than being upset with God for not taking my anxiety away, I have made an effort to focus on the fact that He has never left my side throughout each difficult wave of anxiety. In this fallen world I may never be completely free from anxiety, but I can choose to gain my strength from Christ and look forward to the eternal peace I will have in heaven. This change in perspective has helped me focus on how Jesus is my place of security during times of uncertainty and anxiety.
Another way we can feel secure during times of uncertainty is focusing on our identity in Christ. Terry Wardle discusses in his book Outrageous Love, Transforming Power that focusing on our true identity can bring a sense of peace which cannot be found anywhere else. He writes “God, through Christ, has given us what we could never earn, win, or achieve. He has transformed us into His children and placed at our disposal all the resources of the Kingdom as fully adopted heirs.” It is incredibly reassuring to know that our struggles and woundedness do not have to define us. Through our brokenness, Christ can use each of us to glorify Him and bring healing to other suffering people. For instance, I can now see how God used my struggles to direct and equip me for my current career as a therapist – a role that allows me to journey alongside individuals who also deal with anxiety.
Another important part of feeling secure is being able to vulnerably share our fears with Christ through prayer. Rather than making prayer time only about my own desires, I have found it beneficial to approach prayer with the recognition that the Holy Spirit is the one moving my heart closer to God.
Our daily schedules often make it challenging for us to be truly still and silent. Meditating on Scripture and listening for God’s direction first requires me to allow time for this to occur. Being intentional with my time is vital to forming a deeper connection with Christ. The beautiful part of talking with God is that He already knows our struggles, fears, and insecurities. Because I know my identity is secure in Christ, I do not need to worry that God will reject or forsake me. As it says in John 16:33, we can anchor ourselves to the knowledge that God has already overcome the world. While there is no guarantee that life on Earth will be easy, shifting our focus to Christ being in control of our lives can help us let go of insecurity.