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Healing our Woundedness through Finding Security in Christ
SECURITY While thinking about writing this monthly blog, the word secure kept being placed on my heart. It is a word that many of us...
Hope for the Grieving at Christmas
I have been asked to write December's blog on grief and Christmas. I have given it much thought, and actually delayed in writing it,...
Is It Well With Your Soul?
You may have heard the song, “It is Well with My Soul” by Horatio Spafford. The first verse of the song says “When peace like a river attend
...But sometimes we fear too much, which can lead to a chronic state of stress. My hope is that after reading today’s blog you will come to
The Gut-Brain Connection: Nutrition’s Role in Mental Health
by Jane Wood (posted with permission) Our current medical model of clinical care for the treatment of mental illness focuses on...
Developing a Mental Health Plan
Plans are important in life. Plans are used in things like construction, budgets, events, and courses. In many cases if there wasn’t a plan,
Lorr's Hope in Depression
I didn’t know what was wrong. For several days following my 16th birthday, I had been weak and tired. Then one morning, I didn’t even...
Faith, Hope, and Love Through a Pandemic
by Rebecca Hicks, BScN, RN I am writing to you today with a very heavy heart. I don’t think I’m alone in saying that the last few weeks...
Mental Health Medications and Stigma
There is much to consider when taking medications including a stigma that comes with taking medications for mental health.
Living With Hope After the Crisis
My story is my witness to the Lord’s Love, Strength, and Peace and how he makes amazing outcomes from devastating experiences.
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